What is Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a one of the world’s oldest holistic healing therapy whichAyurveda-Utensils has been practiced for more than 5000 years. Ayurveda is a combination of 2 words.


AYU means LIFE


So Ayurveda is science of life. Ayurveda is a science dealing not only with treatment of some diseases but is a complete way of life.

Aim of Ayurveda

Swasthsya swasthy rakshanam
Aaturasya vikar prashanaman

Prevention is a main goal of Ayurveda by maintaining the health of healthy person. It helps to restore the imbalance in unhealthy person; it offers various herbs, therapies to overcome from any disease by natural ways.

Fundamental Physiology Of Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda human body is made up of 5 basic elements. Water, fire, air, earth and space.
These 5 elements combined in their biological form to create vital energies or fundamental pillars knows as VATA, PITTA KAFA.

Vata: Air+Space
Pitta: Water+fire
KAfa: water+earth


Vata dosha is responsible for the all movements occurring in body. So it governs respiration, circulation, movement’s of each part of body, impulses and elimination of any waste product. Human body tends to have more vata (air+space) in old age.

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Pita dosha is responsible for all processes of metabolism, digestion and transformation occurring in body. Human body tends to have more pitta(water+fire) in middle age.

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Kapha is responsible for growth and protection in human body. According to Ayurveda human body tends to have more Kafa (water+earth) in childhood stage.

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Human body’s health is depends upon the balance of these 5 elements. Increase or decrease of any of these elements leads to disease. Traditional Ayurveda therapy treats any disease by balancing these elements by herbal medicine, some therapies, and some particular food changes in daily food intake.


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    Amit Patel
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    My 2 month old baby had Eczema since birth, tried various creams but no results. We got good results in just few days and now it is 100% cured by herbal medicine prescribed by Dr Jagruti. Thank you so much!
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- Light and disturbed sleep

- Over thinking, nervousness, anxiety and unnecessary fear.

- Bloating, constipation, Gas, excessive Dryness in hair, skin, lips, ears and joints.

- Aches and pains in muscles, bones and joints which can convert in osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, fibromyalgia eventually.

- Headache

- Scanty menstrual cycle in woman

- Loss of strength

- Feeling fatigue and low in vitality.

- Feeling cold, poor blood circulation, muscles spasm or contraction.


- Consume warm food both energetically and in temperature.

- Food should be fleshly cooked.

- Maintain daily regular routine.

- Avoid raw and gas forming vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and cucumber, reddish) and gas forming beans.

- Moderate exercise

- Self massage

- Nasya with sesame oil

- Consume carom seeds (ajwayan seeds) after each meal.

- Consume warm water and warm drinks.

- Avoid cold water and cold icy drinks.

- Introduce more ginger powder, cumin powder, and pepper in your daily diet.


- Excessive acid (Pitta )in stomach cause burning sensation in whole gastro intestinal track, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, bleeding with stool or with vomiting, inflammation in stomach lining and inner lining of intestine, bleeding piles, ulcer in mouth.

- Excessive heat in blood cause any skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, general itching, dryness of skin, skin rashes, acne and recurrent boils, hot flushes in body, burning sensation in whole body with warm feeling, sensitiveness to heat, dark pigmentation on skin.

- Excessive pitta in reproductive system causes heavy menstrual, clotty bleeding, painful menstruation, and recurrent unexplained miscarriages, leucorrhoea (white discharge) and in men it affects the quality and quantity of sperm count.

- Some behavior changes such as anger, short tempered are also related to excessive fire (pitta) element in body.


- Keep regular timing of your each meal.

- Consume cooling food both energetically and in temperature.

- Maintain regular use of some spices like coriander, cumin, fennel and cardamom.

- Consume food that is naturally sweet, bitter and astringent.


- Excessive kafa in our body looks like excess mucus, congestions and allergies.

- Feeling lethargic, heavy, slow and sluggish

- Thick coated tongue

- Recurrant respiratory system related diseases such as cough, cold, asthma, sinusitis, excessive accumulation of mucus, runny nose, hay fever, congestion in the sinuses, throat and chest,

- Kapha aggravation in digestive system include a sign of heaviness fullness feeling in stomach, excess salivation, poor appetite, sweet taste in mouth and slow metabolism. Excess kafa can cause stool very heavy, pale, sticky or with mucus.