In Ayurveda, the journey of a child from mother’s womb to the outer world is well explained as Garbh Sanskar. It is scientifically proven that a child ‘mental and behavioral development starts in the womb as it can be influenced by mother’s emotional state while she carries the baby in womb.

Ayurveda has mentioned the need for the mental, spiritual and physical preparation of the mother to be for the momentous event of child birth.

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Ayurveda refers a woman as a SUTIKA for 90 days after delivery or until the onset of her next menstrual period.

Ayurveda has explained special diet and care for woman to ensure smooth recovery.

According to ayurveda human body is made of 3 dosha VATA, PITTA, KAFA.

The process of childbirth creates an empty space within the womb, giving the air element the opportunity to occupy this space and cause an imbalance in the VATA Dosha.

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In Ayurveda, the journey of a child from mother’s womb to the outer world is well explained as Garbh Sanskar. It is scientifically proven that a child ‘mental and behavioral development starts in the womb as it can be influenced by mother’s emotional state while she carries the baby in womb.

Ayurveda has mentioned the need for the mental, spiritual and physical preparation of the mother to be for the momentous event of child birth.

It involves the preparation of the couple planning pregnancy 3 month prior to conception.

The process starts by purification of sperm and ovum and improve the quality of sperm and ovum by adopting healthy lifestyle, consuming healthy diet and some beneficial ayurvedic herbs.

Garbh Sanskar has mentioned a list of activities which woman should practice prior to conception to throughout pregnancy and even after giving birth to baby.


  • Healthy eating habits
  • Positive thinking
  • Practicing yoga or light Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Listening to Music for peace of mind
  • Reading Calming or Spiritual Books
  • Keeping the mind relaxed and happy
  • Consuming Herbal remedies and consuming Herbal Ghee during pregnancy( you can contact Dr jagruti (herbalist) for more information about diet and herbal remedies as each pregnancy is different)

Ayurveda refers a woman as a SUTIKA for 90 days after delivery or until the onset of her next menstrual period.

Ayurveda has explained special diet and care for woman to ensure smooth recovery.

According to ayurveda human body is made of 3 dosha  VATA, PITTA, KAFA.

The process of childbirth creates an empty space within the womb, giving the air element the opportunity to occupy this space and cause an imbalance in the VATA Dosha.

VATA Dosha imbalance after childbirth can cause long term health issues such as lower back pain, body ache, weakness, sleeping disorders, anxiety, painful scanty period or irregular menstrual period.

Aims of Post natal care

  • Agni deepanam
  • Yoni shoshanam
  • Vata samanam and vata anulomana
  • Stanya jananam


New mother should be encouraged to talk about their feelings and fear with their loved one.

Psychological reassurance and consultation is very import to avoid postpartum depression.

SNEHAPANA (Consumption of fat)

Consumption of fat alleviates Vata dosha in mother and increase appetite level, it also calm down mind and reduces mental stress and increase peristaltic movements of the intestine.

Snehapan should be given with some specific herbs like pipali or chitrak, these herbs help to digest fat and act as a appetizers.


Ayurveda has advised full body massage with help of some herbal oils which vatanushamak(balance vata) and rasayan (rejuvenative) to muscles and bones.

Postnatal massage tones up muscles of pelvic floor, abdominal and back tissues and relieves muscles spasm.

It improves digestion and it also responsible for improved venous blood flow by dilating superficial blood vessels which in turn prevents thrombosis and varicose vein.

Massage soothes nervous and endocrine system (feel god hormones) which improves both physical and mental well being of mother.

Woman can have bath after 2-3 hours with warm water medicated herbs which helps to subside the vata element and helps to reduce dryness in skin and beneficial in stretch mark.

Dietary regimen during post natal care

After delivery, Woman experiences very weak physically with low digestive powder.

Diet of mother after delivery should be very light as well as very nourishing.

Ayurveda has mentioned special dietary regimen which helps woman to regain her pre pregnancy state.


Wrapping of abdomen with a big cloth results in getting back the abdomen to its proper place and also the vata dosha subsides.

Absence of hollow space due to abdominal tightening prevents VATA Dosha from causing diseases.

It helps the uterus to shrink back to its normal size.

Put warm brick on an abdomen also beneficial to shrink uterus and associated ligaments, muscles and tendons.


Some herbal medication has been written in ayurveda with warm jiggery water for excretion of blood cloths from uterus.(you can contact dr.jagruti for more information)


Woman is prone for infection so aseptic precaution is necessary for vagina and internal organ after giving birth.

Yonidhoopan is the fumigation of vagina with herbal medicine to remove excess water discharges like pus, thick mucoid discharges ect.