
Digestive Problems


The main key for treating acidity is to improve digestion. Various factors affect in secretion of digesiveacid in stomach.

After consultation, you will be prescribed combination of herbs which helps to relieve the symptoms of acidy by maintaining the secretion of acid and by removing extra acid and toxins from digestive tract by stool.

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Hair loss, Alopecia

There are various reasons behind loosing hair suddenly.

According to allopathic view, It can be nutritional deficiency, Iron deficiency, less intake of protein, some medication, radiotherapy in cancer patient, Thyroid problem or hormones imbalance in female.

If you have above problems than it is advisable to contact dr. Jagruti to get adequate combination for your problem.

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 - Obesity is the most common metabolic disorder and is one of the oldest documented diseases. Individual’s causes behind their obesity are different.

- Ayurveda weight loss combination helps to regulate the metabolic rate of human body which has been sluggish due to any reason.

- Herbs help to detoxify body by removing excessive toxins, fat from the body.

- Herb also helps to cure any kind of acute or chronic disorders of digestive system by normalizing the function of liver, thyroid ect.

- Herbs help to digest excessive fat from the body.

- Some herbs clear the channels of body by digesting fat and other substances which doesn’t allow the normal function of metabolic system.

- In short, the purpose of various combinations of herbs is;
clear excess fat
correct the irregular metabolism
Clear the body channels.

- The combination of herbs helps to correct digestive system, if the digestion is sluggish and week, once digestion is improves appetite will be increased.

- Some herbs help to secrete right amount of digestive juices and enzymes

- Combination of herbs helps to nourish muscles and other body tissue by normalizing digestive and metabolic system.

Cough, cold, asthma, sinusitis  and rhinitis Shore throat

- Asthma is a condition of narrowing of the airways thereby leading to difficulty in breathing. Ayurveda herbs help to clear the congestion of mucus in air ways which cause breathing difficulty and other symptoms.

- Herbs relive the congestion of mucus by melting and digesting them.

- They also help to reduce inflammation of air way cells which are responsible for the production of mucus in airways.

- Thereby it allows the normal path for the air in lungs and airway.

- Herbs also help to strengthen the respiratory system which stops or prolonged the any respiratory disorders in future.

- The same principle can be used in other problems such as sinusitis, cough cold, and rhinitis.

Digestive problems

(Gas, acidity, constipation, IBS, Ulcerative colitis.Piles)

  • The main key for treating acidity is to improve digestion. Various factors affect in secretion of acid in stomach.
  • After consultation, you will be prescribed combination of herbs which helps to relieve the symptoms of acidy by maintaining the secretion of acid and by removing extra acid and toxins from digestive tract by stool.
  • Some of its ingredients activate the action of gastrointestinal enzymes for proper digestion of food.
  • Herbs will also beneficial in associated symptoms such as loss of appetite, headache, dizziness (related to stomach acid), and stomach pain etc.
Ulcrative colitis
  • The way of treatment in ayurveda to cure ulcerative colitis is not just give symptomatic treatment.
  • The main symptoms of ulcerative colitis is ulcers or inflammation caused by excessive amount of acid secretion ( pitta dosa) because of physiological or psychological factor.
  • So herbal combination of ulcerative colitis helps to correct digestion and digest unwanted toxin which is imbalanced because of excessive amount of acid and heal the ulcers caused by it.
  • Once digestion is improves, patient’s symptoms such as frequency of bowl, loose motion will reduce gradually.
  • When ulcers get started to heal, and patient’s physical health, energy level will be improved.
  • Consistency of stool improves, frequency to rush to toilet also decreases and the quantity of blood and mucus in the stool reduces. After symptomatic relief they are advised to taper off their allopathic drugs gradually.
IBS( irritable bowel syndrome)

Incorrect digestive fire causes accumulation of Ama or toxin and weakens the digestive system. According to Ayurveda, there are thirteen different types of Agni. There are specific supplements for the treatment of specific disorders of the Agni.

A malfunction of this Agni or digestive enzymes is expressed in a number of symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhoea,urgent need to go to the toilet several times  especially after eating or constipation or both alternately, bloating, belching, heartburn, feeling sick, lack of energy and so on.s this symptoms are called IBS.

In such a case, the main cause of IBS is malfunction of the digestive enzymes and related processes. So treatment will be focused ultimately on correcting the digestives enzymes and strengthening the small intestine by various herbs.

Close analysis of results had shown that patients with vitiligo had a higher chance to develop psoriasis while patients with psoriasis had a lower chance to develop vitiligo as frequency of psoriasis among vitiligo patients was 6% while the frequency of vitiligo among psoriasis was 2% only.

- According to Ayurveda, Osteoarthritis occurs due to aggravation of Vata Dosha and is known as “Sandhivata” (sandhi=joint).

- The vata (one of the three bio-regulating principles of the body) is aggravated by various reasons like improper diet, over exertion, injury, exposure to cold & intake of cold items, suppression of natural urges, staying awake at night, stress, depression etc. Apart from these, aging is a primary cause as vata predominance in body increases as age of the person advances towards old age. Individuals with the Vata Prakruti are also more prone for the Sandhivata.

- Vata is rooksha (dry) in nature. When Vata get vitiated in any of the joints, dries up the lubricating synovial fluid inside the joint capsule, degenerates the joints and causes the destruction of the cartilage.

- So the herbs help to reduce vayu level (degeneration in joint) which is a main cause of pain in arthritis so treatment prevents the progression of disease, relieve pain, rejuvenates damaged cartilage and improves the joint lubrication, function and strength.

- Gout is a form of arthritis caused by excess uric acid in the bloodstream

- The symptoms of the gout are due to the formation of uric acid crystals in the joints and the body’s response to them.

- Gout most classically affects the joint in the base of the big toe.

- Uric Acid is a normal by-product of Purine (Protein) metabolism in body. Uric Acid is present naturally in body.

- Usually excess of uric acid passes through kidneys and body gets rid of it. Sometimes, either body produces more uric acid or body is not able to get rid of it. In both conditions, the blood level of uric acid rises and cause these problems related with Hyperuricemia.

- Combination of herbs helps to prevent further accumulation of uric acid by regulating metabolism and assisting the proper elimination of toxins and restoring the normal function of affected joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis has been described as  AMAVATA in Ayurveda in which is a vitiation of Vata dosha and accumulation of AMA take place in joint causing pain and stiffness in joints.

The main causative factor for the manifestation of AMAVATA is AMA as it explained earlier impairment of digestive fire(jatharagni) food remain undigested as a toxin.

When this mechanism is disturbed by continued life style errors and faulty eating, body begins to produce unwanted  and undigested by-products, those unwanted products tends to accumulated in body. These undigested products called Ama(toxins) which are believed to block the micro channels of inner transport system of the body in varying degree.

According to ayurveda voluntary and involuntary functions are all under the control of vata, In amvata , normal function of vata is disturbed due to accumulation of Ama in body channels.

Body tends to react to it and reject it as body recognizes Ama as a toxic substance. This body reaction develops various auto immune diseases in body and rheumatoid arthritis is one of them.

According to ayurveda, the line of treatment

Stop the formation of ama by improving digestive fire(jatharagni)

Excretion of ama by purification related herbs. will be Balancing the dosha Increasing the digestive and metabolic fire Stopping the formation of Ama at different level Increasing digestion and excretion of Ama.

For increasing the metabolic rate, excretion of Ama and removal of vitiated and accumulated doshas, purification and pacifying treatments are given at clinic.

Diabetes is predominantly a Kapha disordere where by the Agni function is diminished.

This leads to low metabolic rate in the body and build up of sugar levels in the blood

According to ayurveda, diabetis cause by AVARAN( blockage of paths or channels in the body)Increase kafa dosha or other tissues like fat cause the blockage f the channel.

The buildup of cholesterol can be reduced by several Ayurvedic treatments. Cholesterol reduction means safety from the various cardiovascular diseases, which are the leading causes of deaths in the world today

Combination of herbs helps in clearing arteries congested with cholesterol.

This can dissolve the cholesterol that accumulates in the coronary artery into person’s bloodstream. From here they are eliminated by the kidneys and reduce the possibility of heart attacks.

- There are various reasons behind loosing hair suddenly.

- According to allopathic view, It can be nutritional deficiency, Iron deficiency, less intake of protein, some medication, radiotherapy in cancer patient, Thyroid problem or hormones imbalance in female.

- If you have above problems than it is advisable to contact Dr. Jagruti to get adequate combination for your problem.

- At ayurveda awareness herbal clinic, I offer very effective treatment based on ayurveda texts, the treatment of hair loss includes administration of herbs depending on cause along with hair tonic herbs, application of hair pack, oil and use of herbal shampoo will be recommended

- This combination of herbs will help to make your hair stronger from its roots.

- Regular use of herbs for certain time period allows new hair to grow rapidly by nourishing and stimulating hair follicles.

Psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo black pigmentation , acne, pimples.


Vitiligo is caused by the lack of melanin pigment in skin, melanin which is produce by skin cell called melanocytes, gives your skin its colour.

There are various causes to develop this condition. After consultation, the combination of herb will help you to detoxify your body which allow five elements stay in balanced state and allows melanocytes to produce melanin in normal amount.

some herbs will be prescribed to re build immunity powder of skin.

External application will stimulate the skin cells to produce melanin.

High blood pressure is a force of blood pushing against the wall of arteries as the heart pumps blood. If the pressure raises and stay high over time e, it can damage the body in many ways.

According to ayurveda blood pressure is a vayu related disease as vayu is responsible for all kind of movements in our body so some breathing exercise and vayu related herbs are also beneficial.

There are so many causes of high blood pressure such as narrowing of arteries because of fatty deposition inside the artery walls. So in that case you need to take some certain herbs which helps to clear the blockage in arteries and allow normal blood circulation.

According to ayurveda waste materials need to execrate from the body regularly to maintain the normal function of all systems. So strictly recommended to book a consultation online or at clinic with dr. Jagruti.

Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism

Long term regular use of some herbs along with some exercise helps thyroid gland to work effectively to produce right amount of thyroxin naturally.

Combination of herbs Helps to maintain metabolic system which has been sluggish because of inadequate amount of thyroxin secretion.

Herbs also help in associated symptoms such as weight gain, unnecessary tiredness, feeling lethargic and so in.

Scanty period, Heavy period, irregular period,  Infertility

PCOD (Polycystic ovarian disease)

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common endocrine disorder in woman of reproductive age group.

It is a condition that has cysts on the ovaries that prevent the ovaries from performing normally.

Symptoms include amenorrhea or infrequent menstruation, irregular bleeding , no ovulation, increased level of male hormones, excess facial  and body hair growth, acne, dark pigmentation on skin , obesity.


Due to unbalanced lifestyle, stress or poor digestion, nutritious deficiency, the body is not able to produce high quality sperm and ovum, as a result, these remain deficient even during conception.

Due to deficiency in sperm and ovum, the embryo is not so good in quality.

Unhealthy lifestyle, stress and poor digestion makes the situation worse as embryo is not able to get proper nutrients for its growth.

All of these factor lead to miscarriage.

According to ayurveda, woman whose body constitution is PITTA predominant and who tends to eat and drink hot potency diet and do not follow healthy lifestyle tends to have miscarriage.

There is various herbs combination available which woman should consume 3 month before conception


According to ayurveda, tinnitus is due to the imbalance of life force(PRAN VAYU))that resides in the head region and governs sensory and motor function.

Cause can be very person to person.

Recurrent upper respiratory infections and constant cold weather cause blockage in Eustachian tube which helps to balance air in middle ear.

Blockage in this tube cannot maintain air in middle ear cause high pressure on eardrum gives tinnitus symptoms such as ringing sound.

Excessive air in middle ear cause pressure on inner ear which maintain equilibrium of body( Loop shaped canals in your inner ear contain fluid and fine hair like sensors that help you keep your balance).

Movement in that liquid gives dizziness which you experience as vertigo.

Ayurveda has recommend specific herbs to balance this disturbed pran vayu.


Dental Problems

Dental Problems toothache, pyorrhea, bleeding swollen gums

Combination of herbs strengthen the gums so it cures bleeding and swollen gums and make the root of the teeth stronger.

some herbs also fight with any kind of infection in gums and oral cavity so it prevents any kind of foul smell, pus formation  caused by infection.

Urinary system related disease

Retention of urine, recurrent UTI ( urinary tract infection), low kidney function.

This system is responsible for homeostatic of fluid in body

It also detoxify body by eliminating certain waste products  by urine, any abnormality of this system cause symptoms like retention of urine, UTI( urinary tract infection), frequency of urination,  burning maturation and so on.

Ideal combination of herbs for urinary system helps to clear any kind of infection by flushing out toxins by normal flow of urine.

Combination also strengthens the whole system from cellular level to prevent any kind of abnormality further on.

It helps to keep kidneys, bladders, urethra clean by scraping out unwanted toxins and infection and eliminating them by urine.

Some herbs help to stop further degeneration of kidney cell and act as a rejuvenator.

Kidney Stone

Stress, anxiety, memory loss

Sleeping Problem (insomnia)

Ayurveda considers sleep, food and controlled sex as the three pillars of equilibrium of body humors.

A busy morden lifestyle requires repair and nourishment to the mind and body through sleep.

Ayurveda has explained insomnia as a ANINDRA.

Adindra or lack of sleep is related to VATA predominant condition.

When we have excess vata and our mind are active with too many thoughts, it became impossible for us to relax mind, so it’s necessary to relieve the stress from our brain, which eventually will help in inducing sleep.

Ayurveda has explained some herbs that should be consumed in order to attain sound sleep by reducing excessive vata and by relaxing mind.

There is some other technique like head massage, foot massage with herbal medicated oil before go to sleep also beneficial to get sound sleep.

In chronic sleeping disorder, shirodhara treatment is also advised along with some herbs.